Kale is still a staple in my garden. It's there crisp, sweet and clean under the snow. Definitely worth sowing next year. Can't beat a plant that can feed you right through winter. Nothing is better than home grown potatoes, a bit of milk, home grown sausage and kale. Add a bit of hot pepper and you have Zuppa Toscana!
The snow is melting so everything is crystallized. It has it's own sense of quiet solitude and it takes just a bit more time for your eyes to see the beauty.
When colors are it's it's riotous splendor, would we notice the beauty of seeds?
Silent guardians of the northern winds, decked out in shining crystal just waiting
for some sun to be lit with fire.
A gate to next years garden, how many a gardener used you
to surround the bounty?
A reminder that a deary day is a good day to ponder the quiet beauty in all of us.
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